For all GNOME user groups wondering what to organise…
June 25, 2007 2:35 pm gnome, marketing…Have a “Give a school a foot up” day on Software Freedom Day.
The idea: you go to your local university, and ask permission to have a stand during the day. You print out some posters, wear some team t-shirts, and go along with a few hundred LiveCDs.
During the day, you organise 2 hours of presentations in a lecture hall (one in the morning & one in the afternoon) where you just show off the software. Nothing whizz-bangy, just showing people that there’s an alternative to Windows (“Look! There is a clock & calendar at the top! And I can browse the web while writing a text document in two different fonts!”).
The hard part is getting back in touch with that Comp.Sci. professor that only gave you a C in AI 10 years ago. Go on, pick up the phone!
(post inspired by discussions with Fabrice Alphonso and Frank Alcantara, and the recent posts from BarCamp Chicago by Ken vanDine)
Update: In comments, Andy Price gave some priceless advice (sorry, I couldn’t resist): Computer clubs have access to university facilities,can typically rustle up volunteers and do pre-event advertising for an event, and are usually delighted to have someone do some of the organisation for them. Help out the young ‘uns – they’re the community’s bone marrow.
June 26th, 2007 at 3:47 pm
There’s one way to hook into universities and get a bit of help with these kinds of things that people seem to forget – university computer societies. It might be worth finding out if the university you want to give a foot up has a comp soc and get in touch with them to help and give advice on where to have a stand, etc. That certainly would be a good thing to do at my university anyway.
July 20th, 2007 at 3:14 pm
Great idea Dave! I think SFD is an excellent opportunity for FOSS projects to get out and get loud!
After all, freedom isn’t just for geeks, right? 🙂
July 20th, 2007 at 5:36 pm
[…] while back, I suggested that GNOME groups could organise something co-ordinated for Software Freedom Day on September 15th this […]