Off to OSCon

9:38 pm gnome, maemo, marketing, work

I only just got home Friday evening, and after a weekend with the family, and 3 working days this week, I’m off again to OSCon, for the first time. I have a feeling I’ll be seeing some familiar faces 🙂 I’m currently posting this blog entry (which I wrote on the airport) in room 640 of the Doubletree (anyone who’s reading this & wants to grab a bite tonight, ring me at +33 677 019 213).

On Saturday and Sunday, I’ll be helping run the FLOSS Foundations meeting, then on Monday I’ll be helping out a bit with the Open Mobile Exchange day. I may take Tuesday as a relaxing/working day before the conference proper, where I’ll be giving the State of GNOME lightning talk on Thursday morning.

My main reason for going to OSCon, though, is to meet people who might be interested in availing of my consulting services. As someone who’s recently set up shop, but who has worked with free software communities for many years, I feel I’m well positioned to help companies save money by working better with communities they depend on. It benefits everyone.

My services go from presentations to managers & directors, training of developers in the dynamics of a given community and how best to work with them, to on-site consulting on specific issues like free software governance, community management and integrating free software best practises into your development team.

The transition from closed shop to free software participant is complex, and often underestimated. I can help make it easier.

I don’t much like banging my own drum on my syndicated blog, but I figure that I don’t do it very often, so… if you need someone like this, drop me a line.

2 Responses

  1. reg_ Says:

    Bonjour, je ne peux pas rĂ©pondre sur le message parlant d’immobilier dans la rubrique “français”.
    Mais vous Ă©criviez en 2006 : “Je suis optimiste – la hausse des prix qu’on vit actuellement en France n’est pas une abĂ©rration, mais est symptomatique de plusieurs choses – les taux sont bas, les banques sont obliger de devenir moins conservateur, les gens ont plus d’argent par mois, et en gĂ©nĂ©rale, les gens prĂ©fĂ©rent ĂŞtre propriĂ©taire que locataire. En finale, les prix (au moins dans les villes en dehors de Paris) vont continuer de voir une hausse des prix proche des 10% par an pour encore 5 ans.”

    Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que l’avenir rĂ©serve des surprises !!!!

  2. Dave Neary Says:

    Je suis, d’accord avec toi dans une mesure… la hausse a continuĂ© en 2006 et 2007, et 2008 reprĂ©sente un tassement pour l’instant. voire une baisse de 5 – 10%, mais je reste sĂ©rène.

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