guadec and motivation

GUADEC was insanely great! Thanks to all people who made this happen! More on GUADEC including photos later, first want to braindump a list of stuff which I want to check out/hack on in non-particular order before I forget everything:

  • Xgl, the demo at GUADEC was seriously impressive. I need to compile it, play with it, figure out the relation between Xgl and luminocity. Once I understand the stack, I want to implement something like expose.
  • I I found out about the NSViewAnimation class on OSX. (Also look at the NSAnimation class it inherits from). Maybe it would be fun to have some API like this in X/GNOME, so need to look at this more closely.
  • I also had a little talk with Miguel, and I should also have a new look at the managed C/C++ stuff using another route than translating WHIRL to IL. In the new route we would use the intermediate language GCC 4 is using and translate that to IL. We could probably plug this all in GCC, but I am not sure since I am not really familiar with GCC internals. Needs research.
  • I want to try to give TreeView some love before gtk+ 2.8 is released. At GUADEC Jonathan and I figured that there are 152 bugs filed against TreeView!
  • My own dumb personal project which I hack on when I feel like it.
  • Oh, and my bachelorproject which I would like to finish by the end of the summer.

Hrm, I guess this will keep me busy for a while.

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