Our vision on GTK+, continued

In some of the feedback we've received so far we feel that some of the points on the slides have been misunderstood. All people that haven't been in Berlin of course miss a part of the story, since the bullet points don't tell it in full. We've just done some more touches to our paper describing our vision on the GTK+ and you can read it here. As you can imagine, the paper is much more elaborate than the slides. If there are more questions/suggestions after reading the paper, be sure to let us know!

One thought on “Our vision on GTK+, continued”

  1. Maybe too early to ask.. but when do you plan this to happen (if everyone agrees)? Impact that you see on the GNOME development process? Could gtk 3.0 removal of deprecated stuff be combined (meaning: happen at the same time) with a general GNOME cleanup (removal of all deprecated stuff)? Thanks, bkor

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