Quantum Traffic

In classical multi-lane traffic, cars travel in one lane or
another. When a driver wants to change to a different lane, he or she
does so quickly and order is maintained. However, in quantum
multi-lane traffic, it is quite common to observe a car that is, say,
70% in one lane and 30% in the next. The precise meaning of such a
state is unclear, probably ranging from “I think I want to be in this
lane, but I might need this other one later” to “My ego is too big for
just one lane.” Either way, it is rather unnerving for classically
trained drivers. You can find quantum multi-lane traffic all
over Beijing.

Speaking of Beijing traffic, one cannot help marvel at the city-wise
art show put on display for drivers in the city. I refer here to what
looks similar to the traffic lights you can find in most western
cities. It is only looks that are alike, though, because the Beijing
ones seem to have no traffic regulating function. Instead you can
imagine drivers admire yet another masterpiece from the artist’s “red”
period while proceeding at full throttle.

(To be fair, I’m sure there are rules. Some of them even written down, but clearly they are different from what I am used to. Then
again, I find the Pittsburgh left turns scary.)