What in the world is That?!?

Last friday, I sent out a
asking for suggestions on things to include in my “What in
the world is That?” chapter of my tutorial on
developing with Gnome
. No one responded for three days, so I
started thinking that no one would. I was a little disappointed. But
then it turned into a fairly active thread. While some of the
suggestions were things that were either already in my tutorial or
that I had planned on putting into my tutorial (although not all in
that chapter), there were some cool suggestions and ideas that came
out of it.

On a related note, I’ve used all kinds of devious underhanded tricks
to try to get people to review my tutorial. Such as asking them to
review my tutorial. Okay, so maybe that’s not so devious. I’ve had a
few people state that they would. pbor (Paolo Borelli) is
the first (and only so far) to make significant comments about more
than a single section. He provided some great ideas for things to add
which was really cool. Hopefully, others will review it as well and
continue helping to transform it from a beginner’s project into a
rocking guide.