Libgda 3.99.1

The first V4 beta of Libgda is out. It is still buggy and an unfinished work, however one can start to experiment with the new API and features.

The V4 version is a major rework of the library with the following goals of:

  • making it easier to use and  understand
  • have better thought features
  • correct some long standing bugs (such as support for schema in the dictionary or support for updatable data models resulting from SELECT queries)
  • better SQL parsing and generation to support database’s specific SQL dialects (and SQL rewrite)

It is available at

Libgda V4

Having spent my last few weeks’ spare time working on the next version of Libgda (V4), I’ve finally merged all the changes into SVN trunk. This next version will break the API with the previous version, but it will offer an easier to understand and to use API, and several other changes (wich will enable closing of some long standing bugs).

The SQL console tool has been improved to show the potential of the new version, here is a sample session which shows the new \graph command which (if the dot GraphViz command is installed) can produce a PNG or PDF file. Note that the view named ‘aview’ has a dependency listed on the table ‘film’ because it uses that table (as seen from its definition).
