Freeform sessions and Lightning talks
A week away from GUADEC, isn’t it about time that those of you who want to have meetings in Stuttgart went over to the wiki and started planning them?
We also have lightning talks planned for Monday morning.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, a lightning talk is a quick in-out, maximum 5 minutes of a talk, where you pitch a BOF or project, say why something you did recently was a success or failure, or anything else. There’s advice on lightning talks over at
The Freeform group session might be mystifying some, so here’s the low-down: the Freeform Group session is about getting warm & fuzzy together, pouring all that enthusiasm into one big overflowing cornucopia of ideas. Each session in the freeforms should have a leader, who will come back and give us the 3 to 5 minute summary of all the great stuff that came out of their session. Hopefully, we’ll get in a big feedback loop, ideas generating ideas, plans linking to other plans, and we all spend the whole night in the pub going “wow!”.
Anyway, that’s the plan.
The alternative is that we all spend Monday twiddling our thumbs.
Up to you.
Monday afternoon will stay unplanned, as long as people do not grab hold of it and plan stuff.
I repeat, Monday afternoon will stay unplanned. There is no safety net.
So let’s get wowsome.