John Bintz and MenTaLGuY showing how to make comics with Inkscape and the GIMP at LGM 2007 in Montreal
A bunch of Tango! designers will be at the Libre Graphics Meeting
Kai-Uwe Behrmann talks about why he’s going to LGM 2008, and what he hopes to get out of it. Kai6Uwe is one of the main developers of the CinePaint and OpenICC projects.
mrdocs from Scribus gives a couple of examples of ways previous LGMs have improved Scribus and Inkscape
Andy Fitz is excited about LGM – you can tell by the number of big font sizes he uses 😉
Jon Phillips spoke at the première of Big Buck Bunny last week – and his presentation touches on a lot of what’s great in Art Libre
Andy hypothesises how much feature-equivalent commercial software might cost compared to what you get for free with free software alternatives. He is *so* excited.