End result
October 16, 2008 9:20 pm GeneralAfter all the to-and-fro of an afternoon on the phone with various departments saying it wasn’t their problem, I finally got on the phone with the French company that (allegedly) has the event box. Unfortunately, with the information I have, they can’t find it. They might have it, it might get to me soon, but as the guy said, “If you send stuff with the postal service, we don’t guarantee a delivery date”. Helpful.
So the event box is on its way, it’s probably in France, but no-one can tell me where, or when I might expect to receive it. So I’ll be spending tomorrow morning printing up some posters and hand-outs for an impromptu stand, I’ll bring my laptop, an N800 and an N810, my go-ban, and we’ll figure out the rest as we go…
If I arrive late at La Doua tomorrow, GNOME-fr people, you’ll know why.