10:29 am General

I have some nice news today (unusual for a Monday afternoon).

A couple of months ago I went around a few French magazines hawking the idea of a regular GNOME column with a mix of original articles and translated GNOME Journal content.

Denis Bodor and Fleur Brosseau at Diamond Editions were interested, and so starting next month, we will have a new column called “GNOME Corner” in the French magazine “Linux Pratique”, a magazine aimed at Linux beginners still discovering the joys of free software.

The first issue includes 2 articles from the GNOME Journal (a little bird tells me that Claus Schwarm is actively hunting for article authors), Audio CD Ripping and Burning in GNOME by Ken VanDine of Foresight Linux and Evolution 2.2 by Jorge Castro (Jorge, if you’re reading, please mail me, I haven’t got an e-mail address for you). Both articles were translated by GNOME-fr member Laurent Richard.

Congrats to all involved. More exposure in print media is necessary if we want to improve GNOME’s image among hackers, Linux beginners and ourselves.

Since GNOME Journal articles won’t always fill the space allotted to us (4 pages per month!) I also hope to poke some people for original articles in French. Anyone interested please contact me.

Update: I just noticed that there is a GUADEC report in this month’s GNU/Linux Magazine France as well.

PS. Help Seth! I can’t add a title!

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