Back from Libr’East in Paris (finally) – even though I was only there for one day, it was great fun. I met up with dodji, who kindly put me up, and lots of other gnome-fr people.
It was a little bit of a shock arriving back to the apartment at 12.30 am and checking whether the USB reader I’d brought with me worked with dodji’s laptop, only to find that I hadn’t brought my presentation with me :-} That’ll teach me to unmount my flash card before taking it out.
So anyway, I wrote the bones of a presentation between 1am and 3.30am (it’s here), and it came off OK, I think – it’s the first time I have given a GIMP presentation in French, and I think it was a little dull. I was never very good at humour. Next time I should tell more jokes. I also ran out of time, and ended up going about 10 minutes over.
Afterwards I gave a quick demo on removing red-eye and playing with layers and selections and the clone tool. Ran out of time, but I think it went down OK.
Thanks to everyone who organised this conference, it was their first time and was a great success (apart from the people going over time, hem hem).