Bought lots of clothes for Thomas over the weekend.
Realised that there’s a reason why kids DVDs are much more expensive than adult DVDs in brick & mortar shops (even though they’re around the same price online). DVD companies (esp. Disney) and shops realise that kids have an genetically inbuilt instinctive ability to give their parents headaches until they buy them what they want.
A parent will look at a DVD, automatically put a value on it, compare the value to the price, and either buy or not buy. A kid doesn’t do that. And the value of a kid’s DVD to a parent is the cost of not having a headache all day, so the parents usually cough up.
So far, we’ve been good. There was no way I was going to pay 25 euros for “Winnie the Pooh, the Movie”. And opportunism like that kind of pisses me off. But I guess that’s commerce for you.