links for 2007-08-31
August 31, 2007 11:34 pm General-
OpenWengo as an alternative to Skype. Some questionable comments (“closed = weak”?) but we appreciate the support.
Interesting FUD. The two biggest Linux companies don’t have huge revenues, but at least RedHat is growing fast, and has decent margins. “Microsoft is taking back server share”? Not by much according to Gartner, and Linux *revenue* grew 19%, and represents
A report on the Gartner study that showed Windows market shippings growing by 2%. Not the end of the world, by any means. Plus – since when was market share the end goal?
September 1st, 2007 at 10:23 pm
It’s really hard to take server shipment numbers seriously as a reliable metric of an open source platform’s popularity relative to a proprietary one.
How many data centers out there do their own installs? I work for a relatively small company and we have hundreds of servers running CentOS. Let’s not even mention Google, who purportedly has hundreds of thousands of white box servers running Linux.