Can you say “Road trip”?
Murray Cumming’s done some work sprucing up the GUADEC wiki pages for public consumption, and the first task that needs help is getting people ther.
This year, GUADEC is on (as everyone knows) in Stuttgaret, which is a relatively accessible place by car. While Kristiansand, Dublin and Seville are great places, and I really enjoyed the Kristiansand conference, none of them are places which are accessible in under 8 hours drive from most of Europe. Stuttgart, on the other hand, is a handly 7 hour drive from Lyon, so I’ll be coming by car with 3 other people.
The wiki page has space for you to add details if you are coming by car and have places space, or if you are looking for a lift. Feel free to add your names! When it gets long enough, we will probably move that to a sub-page, but right now the goal is to make the GUADEC wiki live!
Also, for all information and announcements about GUADEC stuff, people are recommended to sign up to guadec-list. This should also be a source of general sharing of information, from cheap airlines and good restaurants to arranging meeting places.
GUADEC is now only 2 months away, so it’s time to start thinking about booking flights. We are doing our best to move along announcing things, but if you want to come to GUADEC, start planning now.