New download app?

In the last few days I was thinking about a new download application for GNOME. Why? Gwget codebase gets older and difficult to maintain. Also, as his name says, his concept is only a wget grafical front-end.

The idea behind a new program it’s to be modular, so it could download from many protocols (http/https, ftp, scp, bittorrent, metalink, etc.) and with a modern api that the rest of the platform could reach with easy.

I also know that there are another program, Gget but it seems that the project doesn’t progress too much. Why not help them? To be honest it’s in python and I don’t known it very well…

What do you think about ?

Gwget 1.00

After too much time (last version is from May 2007!!), today I have released the 1.00 version of Gwget:

* Detect m3u files: When gwget finishes downloading an .m3u file, it asks the user whether it should download the files that it contains. If yes, the files will be added as additional downloads. (Michael Fotsch)

* Port tot GIO for local files operations.

* A lot of fixes.


Gnome Recipes Project!

This post from Havoc have me thinking about a concept that have been in my mind for some time now. It’s the feeling that I’m a “developer in the middle”: Have contributed with some code to GNOME, have a little app in the GNOME world but have some lack of information of the changes, as a developer, in the platform. For the newcomer it’s even worst.

For example: How can I have only one instance of my program?, How can I put a information icon in the trayicon ?

So I have started GNOME Recipes for Developer Project, an attempt to attract this “Developers in the middle” like myself more inside of the GNOME Project.

Gwget 0.97

Last week I released gwget 0.97. Not to much work on it in the last few months, so the most important news it’s autenticated proxy and epiphany 1.9 support. Also Joachim Beckers send me an updated Firefox Extension for gwget.

Theme Manager again

So I’m trying to fix a bug in the theme manager. It’s about location hardcoded of bzip2, gzip and tar. It’s almost done but I’m trying to re-organizated the logical of the installation process.

When I have done, I will try to introduce remove of themes, user themes of course.

And about Gnome Control Center, there are a wiki page with goals for the next release.

gwget 0.95

Just release gwget 0.95.

Not too much stuff: new icons from Julien Cegarra for the notification icon and Gnotify support thanks to Edward Duffy. Some minor bug fixed too and the usual translation updates .