Some extensions you didn’t know

9:02 pm General

If you haven’t had the time to check ThirdPartyExtensions page in the wiki, then you might be missing the following cool extensions.

Empowering your tabs
Two cool extensions from George Notaras:

  • Tab Links
    This extension allows you to export that interesting tabs you have open to various formats so you can share them: Mediawiki, MoinMoin, DokuWiki, HTML. Go check it out!
  • Tab Session Management
    This will allow you to save and restore your epiphany sessions on demand, pretty similar to session saving but with a hands-on touch.

For the people wanting to experiment with the UI, Kevin Michel has something to show:

  • Tabs on Treeview
    Just like you read it, this extension will give you a totally different way of browsing. Check the site for a nice screenshot.
  • Tab Killer
    Hate tabs? Want to have windows (hopefully not the OS) all over the place? Jon Dowland shares that hate for tabs that you have and guess what, he made an extension for it.


That small things that make our life a little more compli^Wsimpler.

Michael Opitz has something to say,

  • GMail Notifier
    Mail checking freak? This is right for you, nice screenshots on the website. Even nicer notifications when installed.

What? You didn’t like them?

Then create a new one! Hacking a new Epiphany Extension is incredibly easy, specially thanks to the Python bindings. Just check any of the already created extensions and summon everyone’s favorite python function dir() all around the place ;).

Ok, actually we have some docs… but isn’t it a lot more exciting to just dir() around? For the boring grown up inside of you, check the docs.

And in other news, Epiphany has branched for 2.20.

9 Responses

  1. Anthony Says:

    This is nice and all, but there are a few thinks sorely missing from Epiphany, like the ability to recover closed windows and a separate text bar for Google searching, like Firefox. I do like Epiphany, but I can’t use it as my main browser without those features

  2. Yann Says:

    Interessing page, but how do we install these extensions?

    I know, google is my friend, but this information should be on the wiki, don’t you think?

  3. diegoe Says:

    See the websites for the extensions (the name of the extension is a hyperlink, it’s not really obvious with this wp theme).

    Just drop the files in ~/.gnome2/epiphany/extensions.

  4. Qualche estensione che forse non conosciamo « Opera Omnia Says:

    […] Qui ne vengono prese in considerazione alcune fra le più utili. Riporto l’articolo: If you haven’t had the time to check ThirdPartyExtensions page in the wiki, then you might be missing the following cool extensions. […]

  5. srot Says:

    There is an extension that opens new tab double clicking empty space on the tab bar (like in firefox):

    but it’s too buggy (it open new tab even if you click on some tab), can someone fix it ? I realy like this extension…

  6. Epiphany, un Browser web integrato con Gnome « In diretta(o quasi) da Isola… Says:

    […] segnalo questo sito che indica numerose estensioni utili per […]

  7. Warbo Says:

    I like little tweaks like these, but I think a Gmail checker is really out of place. Isn’t Epiphany meant to be about simplicity? Wasn’t Galeon the same before it, but then got bloated from features and abandoned? I think a few extensions can be nice, but when non-browser things get embedded in a browser I start to worry (embedded videos, email checkers, etc.).

    Personally I think the biggest problem with Epiphany at the moment is not Epiphany’s fault: There’s no way of having a deskbar embedded in a panel anymore 🙁

  8. Featured Epiphany Plugins Says:

    […] My two plugins for the Epiphany web browser, Tab-Session-Management and Tab-Links, have been featured on the official Epiphany blog. Thanks Dieguito! 😉 By reading all the entries on the blog, it is […]

  9. More Epiphany Extensions « b-initials Says:

    […] Epiphany Blog Posted in Ubuntu, Ubuntu [en]. Tags: Epiphany, Ubuntu. […]

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