Back from vacations wasn’t too good
February 3, 2006
Well i’m back from my vacations, for those people who sent me mails please be patient i will respond next monday. As a quick update just to say that we went to Iloca Beach this summer my wife and children and my fathers in law, we get back yesterday and Catalina my elder daughter get sick with fever we carry her to the clinic and the doctor gave us some order for exams today but her night was very bad and today we go with her again to the clinic, no she is there and will sleep there tonight, i’m at home taking care of Francisco my young son and waiting to my mother to get back at the clinic, it seems like and infection and the medic still don’t know what it is. I hope that Catalina be good there and get well very soon, i’ll be later with her.
Next monday i’ll start with my duties after a very good vacations, i was 15 days without computer and internet, a good record for me!