JFDI Principle in 10 Easy Steps

9:36 am General

Got frustrated at the general lack of momentum on the board list so sent a bunch of nag mails. Soon Jeff joined in and it was tag team time. And then I remembered the old JFDI principle that is so sadly lacking, and started hacking on foundation.gnome.org. Ported the foundation-web module to use the gnomeweb-wml build structure, and it seems to have worked well. Jeff has done a great job cleaning it up, so it was a pretty easy task. Hopefully we can get the new site online early next week.

Nice to see the gst-mixer being imported into the gnome-media module, and it will be interesting to see what it looks like, and where it will go. In fact one of the comments from an as yet to be published usability study was –

The participants found the Sound dialog but were confused by the options presented and lack of feedback. They had difficultly finding the volume control and chose to use the mechanical control on the speaker unit with some success.

Had a nice few beers with Laca on Thursday night, who is down with his family scoping out the south island. It was good to see him again.

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