We Have All The Time In The World

5:10 am General

Okay, so maybe not all the time. Since moving to New Zealand I’ve definitely had more free time – I’m not quite sure what this is, but it’s good and I want more!

Been spending some more time getting the Foundation website in shape – with the help of Jeff and Vincent. It’s definitely ready to rock, so we should have it online soon. It’s nice to see all the web infrastructure in place – Developer, User, Foundation, GUADEC, CVS and Bugzilla. Haven’t made any more progress on the ‘Joining GNOME’ stuff yet, but there is time!

Unusually even managed to find time to go through some of the video from my time in the US, including that awesome drive through Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California. And found time to read.

So the Foundation board are beginning to rock. Shame it’s almost time for elections. It’s been my first year on the board, and I’ve actually enjoyed it heaps, more so than being on the release team. It’s pretty cool when people just do stuff, and yet some amazingly frustrating when they don’t. I think we’ve had a pretty excellent team this year and definitely the right balance of people. We always keep saying ‘We have so much to do, and so little time’. Let’s just make the time, eh?

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