Car Wars

11:15 am General

Today was a pretty productive day, although we really didn’t get anything out of it in the end. We all headed into town, down on to Moorehouse Ave to visit some of the car dealerships. The entire road is full of them, with masses and masses of cars – all a little out of reach with our budget. Which is kind of a funny thing, because our budget is about $1500, which by European standards is a bit of a joke. We thought that a car auction might work, but everything seemed to be in the $3000 region. It was all pretty disappointing.

After getting back home, we started to read through the Buy and Sell newspaper which we were kind of avoiding mainly due to laziness. A couple of calls later we were ready to look at 2 cars – almost all the others were either gone or not answering. Took 2 cars for a test drive – one a Toyota Corona, which seemed a bit rough around the edges, had a pretty annoying clicking sound from the dashboard and squeaky breaks, and the other, an 83′ Honda Shuttle which drove pretty well, but had a small boot size. The fact that it was 20 years old was another slight worry, since we had planned to put it through its paces in the Southern Alps. It was with a bit of hesitation that I rang up afterwards saying that we were going to look elsewhere. More searching to come I guess.

Patrick quit his labour job after 1 day. What a wuss.

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