Just Another Manic Monday
December 15, 2003 11:44 am General
Had a pretty awesome weekend with lots of climbing in Britten crag, while the weather was sweet. Climbed 2 21’s which the guidebook says is about French 6c – didn’t get them clean, although really felt I should have. They felt easy enough though once I worked out the moves, so looking forward to pushing 7a when I get back from Christmas vacation.
Noticed that GNOME 2.5.1 had been released so started to kick arse on porting JDS to the new tarballs. Went well, although some of the patches were a pain, since there were patches patching patches – lots of effing and blinding. Think I’ve managed to get past the more troublesome modules, and into the home straight with the applications. 31 down, 40 odd to go. Think an unstable JDS might make a good Christmas present 😉
The windscreen guy came to fix the cracks in the car. It was pretty awesome to see him at work – almost like keyhole surgery as he drilled through the glass and filled it with reisin. Hopefully it’ll be enough for the car to pass, providing we get the breaks checked out.
Booked a nice little appointment with the medical center to get my vaacinations for India. Arvind pointed me at Linux Asia 2004, a conference in Dehli happening while I’m out in Bangalore. Thinking about getting a flight up [or down] there and perhaps giving a talk. That’s if there isn’t already a group of Indian GNOME hackers running the show! Let me know your plans.
Lord of the Rings on Thursday. Should be entertaining, although really less hype than I was expecting over here.