
9:40 am General

5 blog entries all within one day. Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you Planet John Fleck. Seriously, thanks John for fixing up the RSS feeds.

Yesterday we went out climbing at the local crag. Climbed the same 22 I had tried the last time. It came much easier, and was only put off it by slapping up to a hold covered in bird shit. The friction wasn’t too good at that stage, and it was a hefty amount of shit. I came off. I tried another 22 beside it, and it seemed remarkably harder. Having met a few of the Bivouac [a local climbing shop] guys there, they indicated the first climb was actually closer to 21. Seems I have a little way to go to reach 7a enlightenment.

The Busker festival continued on Friday night, with another comedy night in the Loaded Hog – a reasonable brew pub with a lively atmosphere. It was a good night all in all, although the comedy was a bit dubious at times. We headed out with Maeve’s boss and her friends, while Patrick had gone up north to Kaikoura. It was a pretty fun, drunken evening with beer, vodka, bourbon and a bit of a cattle market called Shooters. Eventually ended up with a take away [which I mistakingly thought was a McDonald’s and wondered why we were eating chicken burgers half way through the park] and a long meandering stumble home, coupled with a few embarassing text messages on the phone. Still, rocked on to the Darkness the morning after with little or no effects of the previous night. I guess I was still slightly drunk.

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