When I Wake Up, Please Come Around Again
March 1, 2004 3:23 am General
A pretty quiet weekend, all in all. It feels like it was the weekend from Thursday night, when Patrick cooked a nice lamb roast dinner for us. Coupled with some brie, camembert, a bottle of pinot noir and some baileys it turned into a very pleasant evening indeed.
So, there was nothing left to do but head out with Maeve up to the Port Hills on a remarkably windy day, and head out towards Godley head towards Sumner. It’s a really pretty place, with a bunch of mountain bike trails. I’m totally going to spend at least 1 day up there with the bike next weekend. Sounds like a bunch of fun. Then a large chance of having a big session on Saturday.
Having a bunch of fun playing with the new camera. I still haven’t quite figured out all the various settings, but I’m learning much more than I ever did with any of my previous cameras. I’m also finding Capture One a rocking piece of software, after 5 days of a 30 day trial. It would be awesome if I could use it under Linux, but for now I guess I’ll have to consider getting the Mac version, even though they provide a cheaper Windows version for the Rebel [sigh].