Some Time Later

10:49 pm General

Had an awesome time in Perth with Domhnall. The Counting Crows concert really rocked – it was good to see them again, and we were fortunate enough to catch them before they cancelled the tour [Adam had a seriously bad run of luck]. We hired a car and headed south for a bunch of climbing – everything from granite sea cliffs, limestone sport crag, slab off-routing to beach bouldering.

Not nice to be back in work though. Very little seems to have changed apart from an announcement of collaboration and reduction in headcount. Slightly disappointed to see a lack of momentum on the JDS side, but hopefully I’ll have enough motivation to start kicking arse once again.

GUADEC is totally going to rock this year. The guys in Norway are continuing to do an awesome job. Michael has put together a tentative schedule and done a great review of the various GUADEC papers, with help from Malcolm. It’s really nice to see so many people involved, compared to last year.

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