Numb Fingers
April 30, 2004 3:33 am General
Our friend Joerg stopped by for a bit of time while waiting on some new parts for his bike. It’s been fun having another person in the house, and we took him out for a bit of climbing last weekend. I think he enjoyed it, but his panel beater hands weren’t quite up to crimping rock. I was having an off day, resting on two 22’s and flailing around miserably on a 25 [7a+] – it’s not that I couldn’t do the moves, I can, it’s just that I can’t seem to maintain my stamina through all the moves, especially having to clip. This week I had a cold, so that’s put me back a little, even though my body desperately needed a break from climbing for a while.
We’re having our first house party on Saturday since we moved in. It should be a fun night, although the numbers aren’t quite up to normal Irish style.