The Big Board Meeting
June 27, 2004 7:03 am General
Yesterday’s board meeting brought tears to Luis’ eyes. It was a pretty hard core day, and sometimes not hugely satisfying. Jeff had done a kick ass job on putting together an agenda and that consumed us from 9am right the way through to 7:30pm, with only a few minor breaks.
It’s pretty fair to say that the board this year has mostly sucked. We’ve all been busy with our regular day jobs and haven’t had very much time to squeeze some board actions in our schedules. That’s why the annual board meeting is so amazingly good. You get 7 people into a room [Bill, Jody, Leslie and Malcolm unfortunately sending regrets] and you’ve got their attention 100%. We had some pretty tough issues to face this year, especially Jeff’s ‘Will GNOME continue to be relevant?’ agenda item. In many ways we’ve had a successful year for the project, but it’s been quite hard to identify what those successful elements are, given there’s a huge amount more that needs to get done. Hopefully we can keep brainstorming for the duration of the conference.