Weekend Updates

11:53 pm General

Had a reasonably busy time this weekend – there always seems to be so much on, and by the time you get to Sunday night, you wonder what happened to the weekend.

Everyone knows the weekend starts on Thursday, and this one was no exeception. There is a pile of restaurants on Oxford Terrace, known as ‘The Strip’ to most. Headed down to the Tap Room for 6pm, for an hours worth of free beer, and to meet one of Carolyn’s friends, Tama, visiting Christchurch touring with his arts group. We stock piled steadily for the first 60 minutes, and then spent the next hour finishing off the pile of some 15 beers. We were supposed to dinner afterwards, and did in fact manage to stumble into a cheap Japanese place, and staggered out of Maccers some hours later.

On Friday night, after another close touch rugby match, Carolyn and I went to the Mythai Monkey Bar. It’s listed in a bunch of guides as being a recommended place, with good food. But we found quite the opposite – lousy Thai food, and poor service. All very disappointing for our first ‘official’ date.

Saturday was another big day. Big because I became the first recorded Irishman to take a wicket for Weedons cricket club, playing for their social B team. I bowled one over, normally 6 balls, but managed to bowl about 12 I’d imagine with the various wides and noballs. Think I need some time in the net, and feel sorry for the poor bugger who hurled his bat and mistimed a shot to be caught in the cover. In the evening, while Carolyn headed off to Carey’s hen night, I found myself at my first Kiwi stag’s night, for Dean. Mostly similar to an Irish stag, fortunately, and ended up watching Canterbury beat Bay of Plenty, watching some rather crude and dirty girls in Atami, and stumbling around some random pubs, somewhere in Christchurch.

Sunday was hangover day, with a brunch with Kirsten/JP/Emily/Nic/Jeremy and Eggs Benedict being a reasonably good cure, and a few videos. I’m off beer for at least a day or two I think.

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