The Roxx

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I went into the local outdoor store today to pick up some climbing chalk and noticed some new business cards in there. Wahoo! It seemed that the new climbing center had opened up, aptly named the roxx, but disappointingly when we drove past there, it was still cluttered with scaffolding and large amounts of workers. Still, nice to see that it will open up on the 23rd October. I can’t wait – the YMCA is no substitute with bad routes, and greased up holds.

Carolyn got an invite to go to a presentation by Cherry Tree Consumer Club. I decided to tag along as well, if only for the free glass of white wine. Basically the idea seemed to revolve around getting items cheaply – bye-passing the retailers, and getting the products at wholesell, with 11% handling fee and the usual GST. It all sounded too good to be true, but was there a catch? With $1200 joining fee [reduced to only $700 that night if we joined] and an annual subscribtion of $100, you were then exposed to a product database of over 320,000 items. They had to make exceptions to that rule on some consumer products – mostly whiteware, computers and something they called ‘brownware’ [first I’ve heard of it, seemingly lower end electrical items]. We didn’t go for it in the end, mostly out of pure sketisism – why do all these things always sound too good to be true?

Dreamt about riding a whale in the pacific ocean last night – not whale sex, just what that little girl did in ‘Whale Rider’. I’m sure there is some eye opening dream translation for it, but it was pretty magical.

Moulin Rouge

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I’ve never seen Moulin Rouge. I guess I was too afraid to rent it from the video shop, after seeing the terrible ‘Chicago’ on a trans-pacific flight a couple of months ago. So there’s really no comparison, and it has that ‘Big Fish’ type of magical feel to it, with wonderfully vivid colours. Definitely a worthwhile evening in front of the TV, and there’s not too many times you can say that anymore.

The One Where the Photojournal Returns

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I don’t have much to say most of the time, and since I have a reasonably good camera that I’m not using enough, I decided to bring back my photojournal and start trying to take and publish a single photo each day. We’ll see how successful this proves to be.

Hard to believe that I’ve been here a year. Time to celebrate…again.

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