VPN Updates

12:08 pm General

After calls to Sun HR, Erwann and Robert the best step was to call the European support center. Unfortunately without me knowing it I ended up speaking to India again, and when the assistant asked if it would be ok to open up another ticket with the exact same category I rather rudely replied ‘But I don’t want this going to India…I’m not sure if I have the confidence that they’ll know what my problem is’. ‘Sorry sir, you’re already speaking to India’. Oh dear. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of clever, clever people in India that are amazingly more competant than me, but it’s amazing what a day of frustration will get you. Jumping to conclusions – racist conclusions, you could say.

After another round in the support queue and a few phone calls later, it seems my problem is known [merely the fact my token card authentication was disabled – quite how I managed to get into sun.net is another marvel] and within 5 or 6 hours the servers will be synced and I’ll be online again.

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