John Butler Trio

4:59 am General

Carolyn bought me tickets for the John Butler Trio concert on Friday evening. I’ve got the ‘Sunrise Over Sea’ album, and most of his set of 15 songs was from that. There was a lot of really excellent intrumentals, with a very new age/hippy vibe – some of which started to drag after standing around for 2 hours. Definitely worth checking out if he’s in your area, or buying the album. Great present though!

Been climbing with John a bit since he arrived. With the summer finally showing us a few hot days, we’ve got out to the local crag and done some sport routes. Don’t feel hugely unfit, but my stamina could sure do with improvement. Touch also started up after the Christmas break, which I’m still hugely enjoying – a good run around on a Friday evening, followed by beers, is definitely a nice end to the week. Next weekend, we got tickets to the International One dayer between New Zealand and the Rest of the World – just hope the weather continues for a good day of cricket and beers.

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