What Weekend?
March 20, 2005 10:27 pm General
Another weekend over, and again I’m finding myself asking ‘What happened to it?’. This time I think I probably know the solution – 3 nights of drinking since St.Patrick’s Day. I wake up this morning just a bit stupider than I did on Thursday. Sigh.
Mick arrives today for a week. It’ll be nice seeing him again, and hope to have a good time touring around the south island for the next week.
As some people have noticed, the GUADEC schedule is online. It’s been really hard designing a schedule this year that fits in with everyone’s thoughts and plans for the conference. Like previous years, I think we’ve ultimately taken on too much again – this year has an exciting brainstorming day, a multimedia track, and all the usual talks/BOF’s and User/Business day panels. We need to try and learn from our mistakes otherwise we’re just going to keep having the same heartache over and over again, especially trying to fit in as yet unschedule talks and BOFs due to pressure from our sponsors. We’ll get there – we always invariably do.