Losing My Virginity

4:45 am General

Finished off Richard Branson’s autobiography at the weekend. All in all, it was a thoroughly fascinating read and was far from the dullness of most other business type autobiographies I expect. I’ve been watching his TV reality show ‘The Rebel Billionaire’, where he attempts to get someone to take his place within the Virgin Group. It’s been a pretty entertaining look into how shrewd a person he is, and what characteristics he looks for from the contestants – far from your standard run of the mill reality show. That also came out in his book, but also the humility to admit where’s he has made mistakes in the past. Definitely plane material, and kinda wished I had left it until my flight to GUADEC.

Next on the reading list is to finish off Dan Brown’s ‘Angels and Daemons’, and to make a start on Michael Connolly’s series of crime novels.

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