Off to Beijing

1:00 am General

Still banging away at the various GNOME/JDS/OpenSolaris bits for a release soon enough – making progress, just slow as hell. Hopefully we won’t have to go through this process again.

Had a really interesting roadmap discussion within our team yesterday, to try and solve our current number one goal – how to increase the numbers of developers on Solaris/OpenSolaris. John and I brainstormed a whole heap of cool stuff on the phone late last night, and it’s clear we have a lot of work to do and a good deal of stream-lining to do. Think I might start a discussion on, and see if we can collectively brainstorm there too.

In other news, I’m off to Beijing on the 17th September for a week to meet up with the JDS dudes in the Sun offices there. Should be a good week, and starting to look forward to it now.

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