JDS and OpenSolaris

8:31 am General

I gave a presentation to the university students right beside the Sun offices in Beijing. Hard to know at what level to pitch the talk, but mostly just went through the goals for the desktop community, why OpenSolaris was important, and what our plans were for JDS.

Hopefully I sold them on the ideas of creating Solaris packages from spec files using pkgbuild, and that I’m swamped with mails telling me how they’ve packaged their favourite desktop application using the build environment I explained. Here’s hoping anyway. The slides are here.

Patrick’s trying to convince me to come to English corner this Friday evening where I can sit and talk random stuff with people who are trying to learn English – just not totally sure I’ll have the voice for it after this weeks sessions. It’s been fun time during this trip, and I think pretty productive. These guys rock, they’ve just been sheltering under one for too long, and now it’s time to shine!

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