Busy Days

9:33 am General

Moved into my new place on Monday. Telecom fucked up the transfer again, but this time on the normal phone side. Apparently my broadband connection was operational all the time. Bugger. Managed to lock myself out of the old place. Bugger. However, it all turned out well in the end, and I’m more or less moved in, except for the boxes piled around the place. This one is a lot bigger [2 bedrooms – one of which I’ll use for an office], with a nice outside balcony stretching the full length of the flat, complete with outdoor furniture, so I imagine it’ll become a nice evening work place and party venue.

Met up with Marek for TVIC, which turned into beers at the local. All good, and formulated some plans for climbing tomorrow. Hard to believe I’m off for 2 weeks holiday on Saturday to Thailand – really looking forward to getting away, relaxing, and leaving stuff behind in NZ, despite not really feeling all that prepared for 2 weeks of climbing. Kind of feel like I’ve slipped my training for the last week or so, but hopefully that’ll just be a small break before I hit the overhands in Krabi. Rock on!

And the great news from our family is that my brother, Dunc, got engaged. Wonderful stuff, and absolutely delighted for himself and Denise. I’m sure it’s going to be one hell of a wedding party!!

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