Back in NZ

10:39 am General

After another long haul flight under my belt, I am once again back in NZ. The flight was reasonably uneventful, and managed to get a good bit of sleep along the way. I must have looked a little shifty arriving in Auckland since I was ushered off to the Bio-hazard area for a full search and swab of my suitcase after I collected it off the conveyor belt. Fortunately my story seemed to check out and the swabs were clear of cocaine, and was soon let through to catch the flight down to Christchurch. One week to settle in here before I head over to Sydney for Christmas.

The trip was mostly a success, although I would have liked to have had more time to catch up with people during the 2 weeks I spent there. Nice to catch up with Steve and head for a climbing session in the Planet Granite and a Mexican afterwards. Nice to catch up with Jim too and chat about all sorts of community related talk. We totally need a master plan for getting more people involved in OpenSolaris.

Had a great day catching up with Suz and Pat on Saturday just before I left, drinking a few pints of Guinness in the Irish Bank. Just a pity I couldn’t hang out for longer really. Man, how the weeks are flying.

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