Linux Conf Australia ^W ^W ^W New Zealand
January 24, 2006 12:21 pm General
It’s been a fun, but utterly manic couple of days. Collected Jeff and Pia from the airport and pretty much headed on a roadtrip around New Zealand. Because they arrived quite late in the week, I had pretty much decided that we had to skip the hot pools, and instead, we headed towards the west coast through Arthur’s Pass and the Energy Center of the Universe, Castle Hill, which many people will have seen in the recent Narnia film. Finally ended up staying in Hokitika that night, a town famous for the Wild Foods Festival each year, but also for an amazingly unimpressive collection of glow worms.
The next day we headed down the coast to catch the Franz-Joseph glacier in less than impressive weather. We didn’t even see Fox or Mount Cook from the usual Lake Matheson view which was disappointing too, but ended our day in the wonderful Wanaka, watching the Worlds Fastest Indian in the homely cinema there – after driving a couple of hundred kilometers, we obviously had to spend the evening in the morris minor that was parked towards the front.
Sunday was entirely more energetic, with the morning spent in Puzzling World [wonderful maze, but slightly Pukey in the weird angle room], shooting targets in a nearby archery range [embarassing photo withheld….seriously], and then river surfing with the Frogz river company near Queenstown – photos to follow.
And LCA hasn’t been too bad either. We had the GNOME mini-conf today and it was wonderful to meet Callum and John for the first time, along with many, many others. My DTrace talked kinda sucked, but hopefully everyone got the gist of it. Anyone who wants a personal demo feel free to ask me – it’ll be a lot less relaxed and informative. We did a rad little brainstorming session of all the things that sucked and rocked in GNOME, so we’ll blog about those things a little later.