Irish Diaries

2:43 am General

Had a relatively quiet St.Patrick’s day this year, given that I had a cricket final on Saturday morning – The Bog was a little disappointing this year, employing a band who failed to grok that the crowd may actually want to listen to Irish music, rather than the attempted Oasis drivel they subjected us to. And of course, when they did switch over to a bit of U2, they absolutely killed it. Patrick’s blog has a bunch of pictures. Lost the cricket game, felt generally low about life, and at the last minute headed out with Patrick and Mark to watch The Aristocrats at the local film festival which was pretty amusing, if a little sick.

Watched Ireland winning the Triple Crown [Goode blamed ‘Luck of the Irish] early on Sunday morning over at Pete’s house, complete with full Irish Breakfast. After, headed out to the Port Hills and the Tors crag with Patrick, for a bit of a climb. Then over to the Arts Center for a quick Dux pizza and beer, and to watch The Collective, a film about mountain biking – pretty cool if you’re into that stuff, although I can never really see myself quite at that level.

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