The First Birthday

9:23 am General

OpenSolaris is officially one year old today. Jim did an excellent review of the year, and some stunning results. During that year, I’ve had some personal highlights – JDS being the first non-ON consolidation to release their code, and the many new people I’ve had the pleasure of working with in the community.

Despite all those wonderful metrics, we’re still a growing community. We still have a lot of source code behind closed doors. The community contributions are still being bootstrapped by a relatively small set of people. We still don’t have our code in a source code management system. We’re still a little way off from a governance model. There’s still a lot of people in Sun that don’t quite grok working in an open source community.

But hell, there’s a lot of one year olds that can barely walk or articulate, and for an evolving open source community, OpenSolaris is doing just peachy. Happy birthday dude.

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