I Don’t Have To Like It

11:36 pm General

It’s been a rough day at Sun for many, many people. While many say it’s a good opportunity to do other things, for me, well, Sun always feels like a family [most of the time], so it really fucking sucks losing people – although I obviously understand the business needs of the company to have to resort to this.

For all the absolutely amazing people who got laid off today – it was a horrifying shock to the system, you rocked my world, and it was a pleasure to have worked with you. All the best for whatever you get up to in the future and I hope to continue to hear from you.

It’s times like this where I feel lucky, exceptionally lucky to be continuing to do the job I do, and have the opportunities that come with that job. It’s a suitably motivating factor for getting Sun (and SUNW) where it should be, and trust me, that will happen soon.

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