Globe Hopping

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I’m globe hopping at the moment, so I’m mostly ignoring email and my cell phone isn’t roaming over here. Jayne has a good blog of what we’ve been up to. Meanwhile, good to see GNOME 2.16 hitting the streets on Solaris. So far the reaction seems good, and hopefully the team will rock and nail the niggling bugs that we have. Meanwhile, the guys have been rocking on getting the GNOME 2.17 builds into shape. Yay!

Out To Get You

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After 1,000’s of miles of flying across for your brother’s wedding, my body decides to get sick with some allergy to penicillin I was taking for a sore throat. Marvelous. Looking like shit a day before the wedding, and desperately hoping things calm down before a drive tomorrow. Doc says it might be Glandular fever, and this article seems spot on. The internet is an ugly place on these occasions though, and only helps to scare the willies out of you.