OSCON Opens its CFP

7:00 am General

The call for papers has opened for OSCON, taking place July 23-27th in Portland, Oregon. Last year was a pretty excellent conference, and I really enjoyed it. It was incredibly special because not only did it give me the opportunity of seeing the cool kids of open source again, it was also the first time I met a whole bunch of OpenSolaris folks. I had an awesome time. However, for both communities I’m involved in, GNOME and OpenSolaris, there’s an incredible opportunity – OSCON reaches many, many people and Paul’s observations from last year show there’s a lot of potential to bring our software to new sets of people.

It will be interesting to see how the conference pans out this year, and what new directions it takes (I know Nat has a few ideas). Despite the somewhat miserable flop from a Sun point of view in the exhibition hall last year, I’m hoping Sun will be a part of the OSCON 2007 story, if only so that we can have another excellent BOF about what we are and aren’t doing well in our open source involvement. Every indication is that it isn’t so bad.

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