12:31 am General

Tired of wasting away your summer flipping burgers at the local restaurant, because you had the morals to refuse a programming project working on a proprietary product? If yes, then the Google Summer of Code is for you! Along with a large list of participating organizations, OpenSolaris offers you the chance to come join our community, work on a list of great projects, and earn $4,500 US while doing so.

We have a spectacular line up of project suggestions, including the following little gems close to my own heart –

  • OpenSolaris Emancipation! – a chance to really make a huge impact in the community by releasing it of its proprietary shackles. There’s still a few proprietary modules that need replacing. If you step up to this one, you will be a hero among men..and women!
  • DTrace and Firefox – Firefox has become our favourite browser, yet there are times when performance is less than ideal. With the introduction of DTrace to the mix, you have the tools to turn this around. Profile the browser, figure out what’s going on, and kiss the slow bits goodbye by writing some awesome patches!
  • Virtualization and X – Virtualization is the new buzz word in today’s operating system environment, which presents some user interface thoughts. How do we visualize the virtualized? Come up with mockups, implement them in your desktop and window environment! Show us the bling!

But that’s not all – you too can suggest your own proposals and we’d love to hear them! Proposals are due by no later than 24th March, through the application page. We’re hoping to host 5 student projects this year – now’s your chance to be one of them!

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