OSWN – One Year Old

12:36 pm General

Just over a year ago, Ben mailed desperately seeking an OpenSolaris celeb to compile a weekly news. I had some time and a desire to help those who didn’t have the same amount of time to be reading 1,000’s of mails, and so put an attempt at the first issue of the weekly news, summarizing about 15 mailing lists. During that time, Eric stepped forward with his bi-weekly rollup experiment, also targetting similar lists. The program team also stepped forward to produce the OpenSolaris Newsletter. The documentation content being produced from the project was excellent.

A year down the line, and we’re at issue #53 before I knew it, expanding to 30+ mailing lists. I feel it’s been a pretty good success, and hope it’s proved useful to people. It’s been an awesome way personally for me to track what’s been going on within the various community and project groups, who’s been involved, and given me a broad understanding of the dynamic of the community. What I’ve really sucked at, is providing infrastructure and guidance for others to take on the role of compiling the weekly news summaries. I need to really sit down and think about this over the next couple of months, most of all because I believe it’s unhealthy having a single failure point in anything we do as a community.

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