Canterbury Software Cluster

5:33 am General

In order to revive the monthly bbq’s once held around Christchurch, I was volunteered to give a talk at the Canterbury Software Cluster last night. I’m in the process of moving up to Wellington at the moment, so it was all a little rushed, but I did manage enough time to come up with this presentation which is a variation of a talk I’ve done previously. Not really knowing my audience, or the likely numbers who would attend, I figured I’d present why I’m still motivated to get up each day and work for Sun, while trying to give some background into the types of changes that are happening there.

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been learning quite a bit about presenting various bits and pieces – lessons to take home are don’t wear stupid stripey shirts and sway while on TV, start making eye contact with your audience a little more, and less, well, you know.

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