New OpenSolaris Fan Buttons

3:57 pm OpenSolaris

Thanks to David Galán, there are now some new fan buttons available for OpenSolaris. Rocking, awesome work David!

7 Responses

  1. anon Says:

    Sun has an operating system?

    Holy cow! Hey! What happened to JDS? Is Project Looking Glass still out there? Has the Solaris community passed 100 yet?

    Congrats on 101 this year btw.

  2. Jon Says:

    I wonder what “Linux zones” means. Maybe I should read the feature sheet more carefully…

    Just to be clear, is 2008.05 now two different releases? I read in your latest post (comments now closed or I’d write this there) that it’s been respun to fix some packaging bugs. Does that mean my 2008.05, downloaded nearer the time, is a different release to someone else’s 2008.05? Why not call the respin something else?

  3. gman Says:

    Jon: Linux zones usually mean BrandZ – ie. having a Linux branded Solaris container that is able to run Linux binaries within it.

    2008.05 is the original release in May. We decided, based on a pretty critical bug, to update the ISO image. Those fixes have been available in for some time, but as more and more people came across the bug on the downloaded ISO image (or the free media that was shipped to them), we felt the need to re-spin the ISO image instead.

  4. luca Says:

    I see a lot of opensolaris buttons on the site, but why there is not a wallpaper section? Is the logo still a trademark we cannot use?


  5. ptecza Says:

    Very nice! I like it. Is it a chance to order similar stickers to promote OpenSolaris here, in Poland?

  6. gman Says:

    luca: No one has (as yet) stepped forward to produce some good wallpapers, but as soon as I get them, I’ll put them up.

    ptecza: Good idea – I need to check who’s doing our swag these days, but I agree that stickers would be useful!

  7. ptecza Says:

    Thanks a lot for your feedback, Glynn! I’ll be waiting for the info about OSOL fan stickers 🙂 I think that Polish OSOL community will be interested them too.