Choice Bro

2:22 am General

Last month I received an OPG People’s Choice Award in recognition of community building excellence [OPG being Operating Platform Group]. Today the award, a piece of welded metal in the shape of a snowboarder getting some air in a half pipe, arrived. Strangely enough it didn’t contain a Sun logo or anything indicating it was an award, but I’m pretty chuffed in any case.

The award nicely leads into the start of a new season – winter, and there will be lots of snowboarding, skiing, alpine ascents and ice climbing. I’m really looking forward to it all, and have bought a 10 day Chill Pass. I’ll probably miss bits and pieces with trips to GUADEC and OSCON, but I’ve been quietly optimistic that it’ll be a cracker of a season.

Had a pretty good weekend all in all. The Banff film festival was in town for Friday and Saturday nights. While Friday was dedicated to Alpine and Rock, Saturday was the classic night of extreme sports. The selection was mildly disappointing this year. While we had some really excellent films like Parallelojams, a film about jamming in Indian Creek, Utah, Sur le fil des 4000, Patrick Berhault and Philippe Magnin epic attempt to climb the 82 4000+ meter summits in the Alps, and Balancing Point, a short film about balancing rocks, there was a lot of ‘seen it all before, not interested’ films that the selection committee chose.

Went out on Saturday afternoon out to Birdlings Flat with Jayne for some fishing, but came back disappointed. Sunday had a couple of hours of rolling a kayak, mostly drowning, up in the QEII, before a quick green curry and a trip down to Hoyts to see Da Vinci Code which was also disappointing.

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