This is already the second attempt to get something serious regarding GNOME moving in Brazil. The first time, it seems, the people involved were more interested in bringing famous people in (no matter if they used KDE) and leaving GNOME people out. This led to some interference attempt from the GNOME Foundation, which made some people unhappy for obscure reasons and messed it all up.
Lucas and I have been trying to figure out what happened in the last attempt (so as to not make the same mistakes) and get things moving around here, since little time before Fórum GNOME. The Fórum was, of course, the perfect endless source of stories about the miserable failure, which were really helpful. But someone needs to make something besides listening to sad stories…
After stealing the GNOME-FR layout and fighting against it for some time, Lucas has finally managed to import the basic structure of what we intend to be into CVS. It is now time to fill it with nice content and then publish it! Yes, it is being worked on. Hopefully, this nice website, combined with our list on will be a large first step of many, that will lead us in the right direction.
Wish us luck!