There’s not much as frustrating to a wannabe contributor to FOSS who’s filed a bug, as a response of WONTFIX and NOTABUG from a developer.
These aren’t bugs. They’re metabugs. There is no known fix.
Metabug #1 occurs when the developer believes he is Frank Sinatra. Other desktop environments and applications may have done something a particular way for decades, but the developer doesn’t care. He’s doing it His Way.
An example is double-click word select. Keep the mouse button held down, and you can extend the selection word by word, right? Firefox has this marked as a bug (and hence metabug #1 doesn’t apply here, but pseudobug #1 does: ‘Problem has been known since before the flood’, or in this case 1999), but some applications don’t even let you select anything after you’ve done this and don’t see this as a problem. You’ve selected a word? Good for you! You’re not selecting anything else with that, surely?